TMPropagator (OSE-RT) Facility

EUMETSAT TMPropagator (OSE Real Time) Facility

Current version of TMPropagator Client is 3.5.3.

The TM Propagator system provides current and archived telemetry to end users. Users run a local client that connects to either of the two servers providing telemetry.

For viewing telemetry you need the TMPropagator Satmon Client software, the string identifying the mission and a user account for this mission.

Download and configure the TMPropagator Client.

Contact us if you have any problems.

Version history:

This section list the changes on TMPropagator that affects end users grouped per version. For further information please check the Technical Notes.

Version 3.5.3 [Client only] (19 Oct 2023)
  • Fixed TMPROP-491: Error message randomly popping up at log in on Client 3.5.2
  • Fixed TMPROP-532: MTG/AR/8151 TMProp crashes after selecting a filter on the OBE (OnBoardEvent)
  • Fixed TMPROP-539: MTG/AR/8274 The TMProp client crashes when using some GRDs
Version 3.5.2 [Client only] (8 Sep 2023, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.043)
  • Fixed TMPROP-470: Client unable to connect to Servers on version 3.5.0
  • Fixed TMPROP-477: TM Propagator 3.5.1/3.5.2 - NCR Fixes
Version 3.5.1 [Server only] (28 Jul 2023, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.042)
  • Fixed TMPROP-470: Client unable to connect to Servers on version 3.5.0
  • Fixed TMPROP-477: TM Propagator 3.5.1/3.5.2 - NCR Fixes
Version 3.5.0 (31 May 2023, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.041)
  • Fixed TMPROP-335: MTG/AR/4521 TM Propagator server v died on MTG OPE
  • Fixed TMPROP-381: MuMi/AR/5463 Display Editor filter by 'short description' is missing
  • Fixed TMPROP-393: SSI/AR/688 OPS DMZ - Critical finding for .Net over HTTP on TM Propagator systems, 73-75
  • Fixed TMPROP-397: MTG/AR/6042 TMProp: MTG high memory usage on MMETMPBSCCSV02
  • Fixed TMPROP-404: JasonCS/AR/2544 TMProp: S6 high memory usage on MMEOPETMTS52
  • Fixed TMPROP-420: Parameters recording file names should include stream name
  • Fixed TMPROP-421: TM Propagator 3.5.0 - NCR Fixes
  • Fixed TMPROP-428: Minor improvements to time reference stream selection - update 2
  • Fixed TMPROP-429: Auto Refresh option of the Log Viewer is not working
  • Fixed TMPROP-444: Roles of first user are deleted every time the User Database is edited
  • Fixed TMPROP-445: TC History verification field
  • Fixed TMPROP-456: TMProp portable client does not work if file satmon.exe.config is missing
Version 3.4.1 (24 Mar 2023, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.040)
  • Fixed TMPROP-437: MTG/AR/6680 [TM Prop] In Playback mode no automatic update of Variable Packet display
  • Fixed TMPROP-441: MTG/AR/6737 VC0 and VC1 TM cannot be received at the same time in MTG TM propagator
  • Fixed TMPROP-447: TM Propagator 3.4.1 - NCR Fixes
Version 3.4.0 (22 Dec 2022, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.039)
  • Fixed TMPROP-190: MuMi/AR/4292 TM Propagator v3 log viewer not starting up
  • Fixed TMPROP-260: TMProp v3.3.0 Verification: TC History Source simulator update interval is always 5 seconds
  • Fixed TMPROP-266: JasonCS/AR/2066 Deleted OPS commands not flagged as "Deleted" in TC History display of TMPropagator client
  • Fixed TMPROP-288: Security - Update of Windows version [Windows Server 2019/Windows 10]
  • Fixed TMPROP-296: TM Prop does not support "UNEXPECTED" OOL state
  • Fixed TMPROP-328: Minor improvements to time reference stream selection
  • Fixed TMPROP-361: JasonCS/AR/2413 TMProp: new TMProp view cannot plot past values
  • Fixed TMPROP-364: TM Propagator 3.4.0 - NCR fixes
  • Fixed TMPROP-366: Password policies [TISR compliance update]
  • Fixed TMPROP-377: MuMi/AR/5476 TMProp: cannot log in beyond info level
  • Fixed TMPROP-380: MuMi/AR/5460 TMProp: user creation fails to set up roles
  • Fixed TMPROP-382: MTG/AR/5569 TMProp MTG: random connection failures to MDA and TTC
  • Fixed TMPROP-389: EPS/AR/20079 TM Propagator showing incorrect values
  • Fixed TMPROP-394: MTG/AR/5972 [MTG-I1 RO Rehearsal] OOP dates not shown
  • Fixed TMPROP-413: Stream must be stopped to enable xml dump
Version 3.3.4 (15 Jul 2022, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.037)
  • Fixed TMPROP-363: EUM/MuMi/AR/5381 TMProp: telemetry processing too slow in 3.3.3
  • Fixed TMPROP-367: EUM/EPSSG/AR/2103 SCOS delayed TM forwarding to TM Propagator
  • Fixed TMPROP-370: TM Propagator 3.3.4 - NCR fixes
Version 3.3.3 (31 May 2022, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.036)
  • Fixed TMPROP-145: EUM/MuMi/AR/3888 TMProp entity fixes
  • Fixed TMPROP-171: EUM/MuMi/AR/4155 TMProp val chain not displaying some TM
  • Fixed TMPROP-235: EUM/MTG/AR/3496] TM Propagator TMProp entity not showing stopped streams
  • Fixed TMPROP-326: TM Propagator 3.3.3 - NCR fixes
  • Fixed TMPROP-350: EUM/MTG/AR/4939] TMProp out of memory on MTG backup gateway
  • Fixed TMPROP-357: EUM/MTG/AR/5082] TMprop Entity not usable
  • Fixed TMPROP-360: Timestamps on xml dump files
Version (29 Apr 2022, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.034)
  • Fixed TMPROP-338: EUM/JasonCS/AR/2368 On-Board Events display skips events
  • Fixed TMPROP-339: EUM/JasonCS/AR/2367 TC History is initially empty
Version (4 Jan 2022, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.034)
  • Fixed TMPROP-324: TM Propagator displays can stop getting updated when the time reference is changed
Version 3.3.2 (3 Dec 2021, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.033)
  • Fixed TMPROP-302: TM Propagator: playback control crashes on empty entity
  • Fixed TMPROP-307: TM Propagator TC History view not working
  • Fixed TMPROP-310: TM Propagator problems with filter for new streams
  • Fixed TMPROP-313: Crash of display
Version (15 Oct 2021, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.032)
  • Fixed TMPROP-273: EUM/MuMi/AR/4714 TM Propagator: client server incompatibilities
Version (15 Oct 2021, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.031)
  • Fixed TMPROP-235: EUM/MTG/AR/3496 TM Propagator TMProp entity not showing stopped streams
  • Fixed TMPROP-290: client now only shows streams from the current entity
  • Fixed TMPROP-292: TC streams cannot be selected as source of time reference
Version 3.3.1 (17 Sep 2021, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.030)
  • Fixed TMPROP-212: EUM/MuMi/AR/4316 TM Propagator v3 unordered stream list
  • Fixed TMPROP-273: EUM/MuMi/AR/4714 TM Propagator: client server incompatibilities
  • Fixed TMPROP-279: EUM/MuMi/AR/4741 TM Propagator filters no scroll
  • Fixed TMPROP-196: entities can now group multiple packet datastreams can now be combined (except TC History)
  • Fixed TMPROP-247: corrected memory leak in client
  • Fixed TMPROP-258: TC History now shows entries that are produced in similar
  • Fixed TMPROP-136: corrected display of streams (no longer fixed XBand and SBand)
  • Fixed TMPROP-263: prevented the jump backwards and forwards by using only the active stream as the time reference for the displays
Version (6 Jul 2021, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.029)
  • Fixed TMPROP-230 EUM/MTG/AR/3361 Cannot get instant plot for parameters outside of default AND displayed rows
  • Fixed TMPROP-238 EUM/MTG/AR/4578 TM Propagator v3 registration counter no reset
Version 3.3 (31 May 2021, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.028 (duplicated id))
  • The telecommand messages have been extended to include both the overall verification status (mandatory) and the optional OPS (relative and absolute) fields.The overall status is indicated by colour coding the verification columns in the client display.
  • The TC History page definition has been extended to require definition of the verification stage columns. An example display definition is included in the release.
  • The TC History page definition also allows the specification of which OPS field to display in the OPS column. This is done via the element >ShowRelativeOpsValue> element.
  • Fixed TMPROP-231 EUM/MTG/AR/3494 SCC missing entries in OBEH
  • Fixed TMPROP-237 EUM/MuMi/AR/4579 TM Propagator discards test parameters
Version (27 May 2021, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.028 (duplicated id))
Version 3.2.1 (12 May 2021, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.027)
  • The Server GUI now includes a tree node to show the current connections from Gateway and other Server instances (for reception of TMProp monitoring updates). The display includes the largest received message size and other statistics.
Version 3.2.0 (16 March 2021, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.026)
  • User groups have now been replaced with roles. A role defines the access rights of users who have the role to each type of data (TM, TC, on-board events, fixed and variable packets) for a particular entity.
  • The four new display types have been updated to only show data for which the user is authorised, as defined in the SRD. If the user does not have access to a packet or packet parameter, then this is clearly indicated in red coloured text, but no actual data is shown to the user. This is valid also for snapshots and data copied to the clipboard.
  • The frame counter field of the TC History display can be configured to show the value in hex format. This is the default if no formatting is specified.
  • Tool tips have been added to most of the column headers of the new display types. When the user hovers over them, they are presented with a popup text window describing the column values.
Version 3.1.0 (28 August 2020, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.025)
  • The client/server interface has been expanded to allow the client to request and receive the Fixed/Variable packets.
  • Two new display types have been added to the client to display Fixed and Variable Packets.
Version 3.0.0 (20 September 2019, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.024)
  • A new TC/Events Source Simulator has been implemented. This simulates the new XML messaging interface used to receive TC/Events data from the EPS-SG MCS.
  • Old code which was only needed to support the EPOCH commercial interface for obtaining TM from the EPS MCS has been removed.
  • Two new display types have been added to the client to display TC History and On-board events respectively.
  • The Visio-based mimics editor has been replaced with a standalone mimics editor which has no dependency on commercial software products.
  • An archive file dump utility has been developed which allows the content of a binary archive file to be dumped to text. This is useful for debugging purposes.
Version 2.12.4 (26 April 2016, Technical Note: HA.EPS.ORSF.RN.023)
  • Anomanly fix: Units not displayed in ANDs generated with the New Page Editor. Now, when defined in the DB, the units of the paremeter are correctly displayed in the ANDs created with the editor.
  • Anomaly fix: The new format "General" introduced in the previous version is now also available in the Mimics Editor.
  • Anomaly fix: With this new version, no error messages when closing the TMPropagator client are displayed. In the previous version, under certain circumstances an exception was raised.
  • Stale parameters are no longer added to the local line plot caches when received during a playback. This prevents the parameter history apparently changing when viewing the parameter in a line plot.

This facility was developed under contract to EUMETSAT by Heavens-Above GmbH

Copyright 2006 - 2023 © EUMETSAT. All rights reserved. European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites EUMETSAT 2023